Saturday, December 20, 2008
On The Search For True Love

Friday, December 12, 2008
...And Then Some!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
On Moving On

After a near-fatal fit of the giggles, I finally got my groove back. First on the agenda: Put up the tree.
Normally, I do this soon after my birthday. Yup! I did have [a birthday] but it took longer than usual to recover. The hangover lasted more than two weeks. What can I say? I do know how to party!
As only I know how, I lost my Christmas tree on December 2003. Don't ask... Gone were the lights, my wooden ornaments, garlands, wreaths and angels I had collected over the years.
I took a Christmas off to grieve. I planted mango seedlings in my farm instead. (They generate a better ROI). For my grandson's sake, I replaced my lost tree the following year. That's his Patrick Star which we use as a tree topper. Now on its fourth appearance, our tree looks battle-scarred but happy. Gabriel loves the idea of a "big" tree. My kids eagerly await what comes next: the food!

There are a lot of ornaments left over. I reached my "anal" quota in July and want things more organic. Luckily, even plastic trees are the trend. With the environmentalists breathing down our necks, it was only a matter of time till the demise of the au naturel tree.
I just noticed that most of the ornaments are hand-made. Pretty things! Next year when I can afford it, I should get those LED Christmas lights.
True to tradition, I'm late getting presents. What I already have is on a table somewhere. Dogs and brights wrappers are a common foe.
The first thing I bought is this rubber chicken. It shrieks. For 70 pesos at a bazaar, it has made all of us here laugh. I should've gotten more! Now we're arguing who gets to keep it. It will probably go to my year-old niece who has everything (except a rubber chicken that shrieks).
Saturday, December 6, 2008
On "Lupang Hinirang" (Re-Mastered)
Friday, December 5, 2008
On Being "Accounts Payable"
During a recent launch, a friend remarked that I was "accounts payable." I laughed in her face. Oh sure, who doesn't need the moolah? But really, I wanted to know what it meant. NOW!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
On Dummies and the Internet
I wasn't going to write about this at all. However, it's too amusing not to be shared.
I actually made an enemy online by typing LOL! And as if that wasn't enough, the dummy thought my username called him a liar. Uhmmm... username, username, username.I know many people who don't have computers at home who are well-versed in computerese. Computer cafe mainstays actually put my skill to shame. thefreedictionary website has 78 definitions of LOL. FYI, dear dummy, LOL is not short for ULOL!
Anyone with a two-digit IQ should be BANNED from computers. Violators should be shot on sight. The most severe forms of torture should be reserved for those who attempt to join social networking sites, like Friendster. I'll bet they don't have friends nor photos, well maybe one if they're lucky. One thing this person definitely does not have is a sense of humor.
How can anyone totally misread my private messages? Twice! I think I'm pretty straightforward and an easy read. Maybe I should have written in the vernacular.
Duh?? Duh-mmy?? FRIENDster! It was a dumb social experiment. I'll stick to blogging.